21/2013 - Speedboat adrift NE of Sark


Lions’ Pride was called out at 8:25 p.m. on 14 October 2013 by Guernsey Coastguard to search for an 18’ Fletcher speed boat adrift 6 miles NE of Sark with one person on board but with no lights or reliable GPS.   

The aircraft took off at 8:50p.m and located the casualty at 9:00p.m. 3 miles NE of Herm. 

The Lifeboat was directed to the scene and was alongside at 9:20.

It was a dark night but with good visibility below the clouds.  The vessel had a dim light source on board, probably a hand held torch, which enabled the crew to locate the vessel so quickly.

The aircraft landed at Guernsey at 9:30p.m, having been airborne for 40 minutes.

Tags: Launch reports